José Antonio Zapata
Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas
UNAM Campus Morelia Morelia
CP 58190 Michoacán, México

Before being here:
Bs Physics UNAM, México
PhD Physics Penn State, USA
Postdoc RRI, India

Previous PhD students:

Mona Arjang
Two studies about nonlinearity in field theories
PhD in physics. Thesis co-directed together with Dr. Christian Schubert.

Homero Díaz Marín
The curvature operator of abelian generalized connections
PhD in mathematics. Thesis co-directed together with Dr. Raymundo Bautista.

Elisa Manrique Ascencio
Towards semiclassical macroscopic limit of quantum gravity
PhD in physics. Thesis co-directed together with Dr. Axel Weber.

Previous MSc students:

Mauricio Bustamante Londoño
The lagrangian formalism in classical field theory
MSc in mathematics.

César Alejandro Soto Posada
Average curvature in principal fiber bundles
MSc in mathematics.

Previous BSc thesis students:

Jorge Martinez Ortega
An approach to C-flat connections
BSc in physics

Claudio Meneses Torres
Geometry of simplicial and C-coarse connections
BSc in mathematical physics